At our dental practice, we believe in proactive care to keep your smile healthy and beautiful. One of the most effective preventive treatments we offer is dental sealants. Sealants are a simple, painless solution to protect your teeth from cavities and decay, especially in the grooves and pits of your molars.

First, we clean the teeth to ensure no food particles or plaque remain. After drying the teeth, we apply a special gel to roughen the surface, which helps the sealant adhere better. Once the gel is rinsed off and the teeth are dried again, we carefully paint the sealant onto the tooth enamel. A curing light is then used to harden the sealant, ensuring it bonds securely to your tooth. You can resume your normal activities immediately after the procedure.

Benefits of Dental Sealants:

  • Sealants provide a physical barrier that protects against plaque and acids.
  • They are especially beneficial for children and teenagers who are more prone to cavities.
  • Sealants can last for many years if maintained properly.

Our commitment to preventive dentistry means we focus on treatments that stop dental issues before they start. Sealants are a testament to this philosophy. They are most effective when applied soon after the molars erupt, which is around age six for first molars and around age twelve for second molars.

Good oral hygiene practices, including brushing twice a day, flossing daily and regular dental visits, are essential to maintaining your sealants. We will check your sealants at each visit and reapply them if necessary. This ensures your teeth remain protected and your smile stays bright.

We understand that every patient is unique and we tailor our preventive care plans to meet your specific needs. Dental sealants are just one of the many ways we help you achieve optimal oral health. Contact us today at 208-345-1386 to learn more about how dental sealants in Boise, Idaho, can benefit you or to schedule your next appointment at GreenTree Dental with our dentist, Dr. Hayden Hess. Together, we can keep your smile healthy and strong for years to come.


Contact Us Today

Are you ready to achieve the smile of your dreams? Contact our office today to start your treatment. We will strive to help you have a positive experience from before you walk into our office to when you leave, ensuring that you have the positive dental experience —and the smile— you deserve. We hope to see you soon!

Mon - Thurs 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Weekends Closed